In Bavaria, an 18-year-old son with the flight attendant uniform and his father's car apparently wanted to go on a trip. The trip came to an early end, however, because the police ended the tour at Munich Airport.
What made the young man go to the airport with a “borrowed” flight attendant uniform and his father's “borrowed” car remains to be seen. In any case, the family had reported both their son and the vehicle to the police as missing. The “young flight attendant” never came into the airport because he was caught in the driveway during a police check.
It is believed that he wanted to travel by plane with the help of his father's uniform, but this possible plan was thwarted by the executive. While the real flight attendant (father) has no consequences, the police are investigating the son for unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. He can now only hope that the father will not file a complaint after a serious conversation and that the public prosecutor will then show themselves graciously and leave it at a hiring or admonition.